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“You were once wild here. Don’t let them tame you.”  ~Isadora Duncan

Here we are half way through our Aries moon cycle and I have been reflecting on what the word wild means to me. In most definitions the word wild is sort of this unruly, irresponsible possibly even crazy or angry behavior. But the definition we are looking at here is one of being and growing in our natural state. Re-wilding is about listening to our inner voice and allowing it to guide our journey.

But what does that mean for you? Who would you be if you allowed your wilderness to emerge?

I think the answers to those questions change depending on what is going on in your life. At one point it might mean you need to dance your ass off or learn something new. At other times what your soul is really craving might just be to sit in silence, without any demands or questions.

I had an opportunity to discover this while my husband took my kids to NH to visit his family for spring break. I had to stay home for work but honestly, I really wanted a break. I spent the week in silence. I wrote in my journal and I barely left the house other than to go to work or to get food. It was heavenly. Even just sitting in my hammock with a cup of tea is a luxury that I very rarely can afford myself. So I indulged.

That solitude and self reflection is something my soul needs more and more the more hectic my life becomes.

Wild Heart, how do you nurture the stillness of your soul? How do you rejuvenate your spirit?

I have also felt very called to expand my tribe of sisters, and to tap into the high energy of the season. To celebrate emerging life, which for me has always consisted of dancing. Unfortunately, these days with life’s demands, these types of opportunities have dwindled. So when I had two separate invitations from sisters I would like to know better to join them for dance lessons, it seemed the universe had spoken. I could not pass.

Dancing has always been part of my wild self. For me it is a liberating stress relief, a way of getting in touch with my sensuality and at times an act of self-possession. A way of coming home to myself and my body.

Wild Heart, how do you celebrate your vibrant soul? How do you connect with your temple body?
What is your soul calling for this Aries season?